Dev Diary 1: Introduction

Dev Diary 1: Introduction

Hello everyone!

After a lot of hesitation, we have finally started our dev diary for Marko: Beyond Brave.
Here we will share the key points throughout the development of the game, our struggles, and triumphs.
So let’s get some of the more important stuff out of the way.


What is Marko: Beyond Brave?

Well, to put it simply – Marko: Beyond Brave is an epic 2D action-adventure or to put it precisely – a Metroidvania.

We are developing it using outdated techniques 😀 –  like drawing by hand instead of letting the computer do all the work for us.


What exactly is “Marko” about?

Beneath the peaks of snowy mountains sleeps an ancient kingdom.
Many have been drawn to its gates by tales of riches and wonders beyond imagination, but only a few have returned.
As Marko, you will explore its depths and secrets, unravel mysteries and conquer its evils.


Who is this guy anyway?

The youngest of three siblings, Marko has often been underestimated in comparison to his more renowned and accomplished brothers, both of whom have plenty of exploits.
In his journey, the players will witness his rise from an insecure and reluctant hero into a true defender of the weak and innocent, worthy of any legend. As you progress further and further into the game, Marko’s moveset will expand, unlocking in turn more and more of the world for you to discover and deadlier foes to test your mettle.

We can’t say much more for now without spoiling the story, but we promise that we will reveal little bits and pieces as we go along.

Next time we will get into more juicy details regarding the magicks and torturous labors of hand-drawn animation.

  • Pavel
    Posted at 14:59h, 31 January Reply

    bring it oooon! <3

  • Dusan T.
    Posted at 21:35h, 31 January Reply

    Can’t wait 🙂

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